Today The Connection is joining other homelessness organisations in a ‘mass lobby’ of Parliament aimed at ending homelessness.
In what is likely to be a General Election year, at The Connection we’ve been working to identify the policy asks that would have the greatest impact on our work to end homelessness.
We’re highlighting the need for:
Today, we’re sharing our policy asks with the government and our supporters. You can read them in full here.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing more about each of these areas. To make sure you stay up to date on this work,sign up to our newsletter here.
With your support, we want to make sure those in power hear what we have to say
Your voice matters!
We need our MPs and policymakers to know that voters care about homelessness. We’re asking you to write to your local MP, to tell them that they need to prioritise ending homelessness. Take action here.